
Choose Your Taxidermy Appraiser Carefully


When choosing an appraiser to appraise your valuable taxidermy collection, make sure and research the person that is appraising your collection well.  You will want to make sure they appraise taxidermy on a regular basis, which is all Taxidermy Appraiser LLC appraises.

Having an appraisal done by someone who sells the same product can present several potential issues, including:


  1. Conflict of interest: The appraiser may have a financial incentive to inflate the value of the product in order to make a sale. This could result in an inaccurate appraisal that does not reflect the true market value of the item.


  1. Lack of objectivity: A seller may be biased towards their own product and may overlook any flaws or shortcomings that could affect its value. This lack of objectivity could lead to an appraisal that is not thorough or unbiased.


  1. Questionable credibility: Consumers may question the credibility of an appraisal done by someone who stands to benefit from the sale of the product. This could undermine the trustworthiness of the appraisal and raise doubts about its accuracy.


  1. Potential for overpricing: If the seller appraiser overvalues the product, it could lead to unrealistic expectations for the seller and result in difficulty selling the item at the inflated price.


  1. Legal and ethical concerns: In some cases, it may be considered unethical or even illegal for a seller to provide an appraisal of their own product, particularly if they misrepresent the value of the item in order to make a sale.


Overall, it is generally recommended to seek out an independent and impartial appraiser who does not have a financial stake in the sale of the product in order to ensure an accurate and unbiased appraisal.  One important last item on your check list is to make sure your Appraiser’s Certification is up to date.

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